This page was created to increase communication between District 36 Officers and the General Service Representatives. A General Service Representative (GSR) is an elected leader in AA who connects their home group to the larger AA organization. GSRs are responsible for sharing information, representing their group’s voice, and helping groups with problems.
Trusted Servants
Click red envelopes to email Trusted Servants directly.
District 36 Committee Member (DCM): James O.
For Area 59:
Attends Quarterly Area Business Meetings as our District Representative.
Provides a verbal and written report to Area about the status of the District. Will also present any issues the District may have to Area for consideration. All input will be brought
back to the District.
Fulfills assignments to Area functions such as mini-assemblies, share-a-day and Area
annual convention.
Serves as the primary contact to carry the informed group conscience of District 36 to Area
For District 36:
Conducts the monthly District meeting with an agenda, handouts and other pertinent data
in a well-organized fashion.
Uses as his/her email address for all District 36 emails
Reports on all area events, decisions and other pertinent information. Promotes
participation in area events.
Assists and coordinates the work of other District officers when necessary.
Assists the delegate in obtaining group information in time to meet the deadline for A.A.
Attends the Area Annual Convention and other service events.
Adheres to panel approved meeting timelines.
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Alternate DCM (ADCM): Angelo S.
Assists the DCM and assumes the duties of the DCM when the DCM is unable to serve.
Attends Area 59 meetings and the annual area convention whenever possible.
Attends and participates in District Meetings.
Uses as his/her email address for all District 36 emails correspondence.
Acts as an advisor to a sub-committee.
The ADCM should be aware that he/she is expected to submit his/her nomination for the position of DCM in the next panel.
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District Secretary: Kim W.
Records, publishes and distributes minutes of District Meetings to all District Officers and
Updates the GSR & AGSR Contact List.
Acts as an advisor to a sub-committee.
Uses as his/her email address for all District 36 emails
Forwards a blind copy [BCC] of unapproved minutes to the Panel members within 14-days
following a District meeting.
Forwards the unapproved meeting minutes to the Harrisburg Area Intergroup (HAI)
webmaster within 14 days following a District meeting, with the annotation of “DRAFT” on
each page.
Within seven (7) days after the minutes have been approved at the next District meeting, District Secretary makes any and all pertinent amendments and forwards the final version to
Area 59 Chairperson, copying DCM, ADCM, District 36 Panel members, and District Webmaster(s).
Provides current donation addresses for group contributions to support District 36, Harrisburg
Area Intergroup, and Area 59 to the District 36 Technology Coordinator.
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District Treasurer: Nicole G.
Receives all donations from the District groups and deposits in the District bank account.
Pays all District authorized expenses.
Keeps adequate records of all transactions and provides a written report at each District meeting.
Keeps all escrow accounts up-to-date.
Acts as an advisor to the Finance Sub-committee.
Uses as his/her email address for all District 36 emails correspondence.
Maintains records of all previous transactions.
Maintains the group conscience-approved expenditures to include, but not limited to, reimbursement amounts for mileage, per diem, lodging, and convention expenses.
Normally covered events for the DCM are: Area Convention, Pre-conference Sharing, One Mini-assembly, and mileage for Area Meetings, NERAASA, State Convention, and all
required committees.
Mileage and Per Diem Expense Reimbursement Rates are tied to those decided by the Area Assembly. District 36’s expense reimbursement rates will automatically change as Area changes their rates.
Anticipated expenses should be refreshed every calendar year.
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District Archivist Craig Y.
Acts as advisor to the Archives Sub-committee.
Responsible for the safety of the archives material. Refer to published AA Guidelines for Archives for more detailed information.
Responsible for storing and/or maintaining a safe storage location for all archives materials.
Responsible for being a contact person for archive additions, updates and inquiries.
Responsible to physically provide archive material to district or intergroup as the requests are made and approved by district or intergroup.
Uses as his/her email address for all District 36 emails correspondence.
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District Officer at Large: Louis J.
Ad-hoc Split Subcommittee
Structure Subcommittee
Bridging the Gap
Volunteer Subcommittee
Intergroup Liaison to District 36:Nicole P. District 36 Liaison to Intergroup:Miste D.
Monthly Meeting Information
2nd Monday of every month at 6:30 pm
In person: Fellowship House
1251 S. 19th Street,
Harrisburg, PA 17104