AA In Our Area Has a Long History To Share
AA has a vibrant history in our area and many groups have documented significant happenings over the decades.
District 36 and the Harrisburg Area Intergroup are dedicated to preserving our current memories for future generations and to sharing the experience, strength and hope of those who have come before us.
This has led the local AA organizations to dedicate resources to collecting and preserving historic physical items like chips, meeting lists and other documents.
It also has prompted an innovative project to audio record the stories of local AA members who are willing to share their stories of AA in the area. These recordings will become available online in the near future.
Follow the Links below for resources currently available on the website:
View digital copies of histories of local AA Groups published since 1986.s
Help Us Preserve Local AA History!
To learn more about these efforts or to become involved, please contact the District Archivist at archivistd36a59@gmail.com
Harrisburg Area Intergroup is also involved with Local AA History
This includes original research on local AA history and collaboration with the District 36 Archivist. The group meets the 3rd Thursday of every month at the Fellowship House( for now we are doing virtual online meetings – click below to join us )