Service is a means of maintaining sobriety.
Service means getting involved in those functions
which directly carry the A.A. message or allow others to carry it.
“Practical experience shows that nothing will so much insure immunity from drink as intensive work with other alcoholics. It works when other activities fail. This is our twelfth suggestion: Carry this message to other alcoholics! You can help when no one else can. You can secure their confidence when others fail. Remember they are very ill.
Life will take on new meaning. To watch people recover, to see them help others, to watch loneliness vanish, to see a fellowship grow up about you, to have a host of friends — this is an experience you must not miss.”
The results of a recent medical research study have shown that, “Those involved in Service Work have a 50% better chance of staying sober than those who are not doing service work.”
If you want to fill your spiritual and mental self with joy and
happiness, and have the opportunity to help someone
in need, click on Committees to learn more
about service opportunities.
Or just go to an Intergroup Meeting!
“I am Responsible, When Anyone, Anywhere, Reaches Out For Help,
I Want The Hand Of AA Always To Be There.
And For That, I am Responsible”